Mirko Lorenz |
Information Architect
Dave Pell Nextdraft
The one person media venture: Dave Pell's Next Draft is a good and great example. Recently won Wordpress.com as a sponsor.
More background
My focus is on communication and innovation - helping clients to build better sites, mainly in the news business.
Journalism++ Cologne
Joining the international network of data-journalism teams.
VISION Cloud wins IBC Special Award 2013
The cloud computing research project is now in it's third and final year. At IBC2013 we present novel approaches for media clouds.
Datawrapper wins "Best Start-up for News" at GEN13
Our project Datawrapper won an important award at the Global Editors Network News Summit in Paris, 2013. For Deutsche Welle we took part in the "Hack the Newsroom" Hackathon.
A picture that makes me happy
Regrettably I was not able to attend the International Journalism Festival in Perugia in 2013. Though, something came out of it.
Datawrapper reaches 10 Million chart visits
In May 2013 this open source visualization tool jumped over an important milestone. One thing to note is the background story, it's a positive example how to tackle technology challenges by making new friends.
Datawrapper 1.0 released
In early November we released the new, refined version of Datawrapper.
Talk at Strata London: Hacking Data for Hacks
Goal: Connect data journalism with the tech community
Since July 2012 I am an investor/minority partner in Journalism++. The team builds "data first newsrooms", develops and teaches.
The Data Journalism Handbook
A unique, crowd-sourced book providing insights to what data-driven journalism is and can be.
Datawrapper: Simple data visualization
It took ten month to reduce the time needed to create and embed a data chart to minutes. This is my newest project, made possible by working with Nicolas Kayser-Bril.
Training data-driven journalism
We developed a one-week, practical datajournalism training, the first being held in September 2011. Some insights and learnings.
DW Relaunch: Requirements and Information Architecture
For six months we gathered requirements for the Deutsche Welle Relaunch in 2010. As of early 2012, the new website of Deutsche Welle is now online, with news in 30(!) languages.
Presentation: Datenjournalismus - Lohnt der Aufwand?
Another presentation, this time in German language. This was presented at Scoopcamp 2011, in Hamburg, by invitation from dpa.
Presentation: From Attention to Trust
What if? What if the work of journalists would shift from generating attention to building trust? At Picnic 2011, I tried to provide a view how this could be done.
Data-driven journalism: EJC website
In September 2011 the European Journalism Centre has relaunched the website for data-journalists. Together with a great group of other journalists I am member of the editorial board.
(Open) Data in the Newsroom: What's the story?
This links to my talk from OKCON 2011. I do not claim to have all the answers needed here. So, if you want to discuss, enhance or totally disagree - let me know.
Do you want to be a data-journalist?
In order to develop meaningful training offerings I proposed to conduct a survey to the EJC. Together we developed the questionaire.
Teaching Storytelling
Practical, one-week training with master students from "International Media Studies" (DW-Akademie), using Soundslides.
Media Companies must become trusted data hubs
This was born out of a discussion on Twitter. The topic: What could be a frame for the future of journalism? Our best guess: Let's focus on trust - because that is a scarce resource by now.
Vision Cloud
A big EU project doing research for future cloud computing platforms (2010 to 2013). This is my main task at Deutsche Welle Innovation Projects.
Deutsche Welle
Since 2008 I am a member of the innovation projects team at Deutsche Welle, Bonn.
Data-driven journalism
Bringing together a group of pioneers in data-driven journalism in Amsterdam was the goal. Turned out quite good.
RTL Journalistenschule
The RTL journalism school in Cologne is one of the relative few places available for young journalists. The three-day-course on multimedia/online covered writing, crossmedia and storytelling.
Fullstory CMS (for Deutsche Welle)
Fullstory is a Content Management System that makes it easy to create context, editors can enrich a story via APIs.
Post-It Bildungsprojekt: Text, please
In 2008 I wrote articles about innovation, new ideas and education. Client: Blanko, "best agency in the world" (self description).
media | nrw
From 2002 to 2004 I edited the site "media|nrw". In collaboration with WYSWYG Software Design we relaunched the site, came up with a very nice CMS.
German Hot 100
Hopeful project, much stress, something learned: German Hot 100 collected information on German start-ups and VCs. Good while it lasted, terminated when the bubble burst.
Sony Deutschland
The early days. Feels like this is ages ago. By web standards it is.