Mirko Lorenz |
Information Architect
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26. Februar 2012
Step by step: How to find relevant data, clean it, then get it visualized and published in 10-20 minutes, using Datawrapper.
12. Januar 2013
Here is a plan: "Integrating Data Journalism into Newsrooms" (PDF)
20. Mai 2018
Data Trainer for Beginners: Learn the basics of Excel, Data visualization and Python. By Oscar Baruffa.
18. Dezember 2010
We saw a lot of movement for Data Driven Journalism in 2010. Here is a linklist to examples, presentations and other material.
14. September 2013
The one person media venture: Dave Pell's Next Draft is a good and great example. Recently won Wordpress.com as a sponsor.
01. März 2014
Tools for Journalists 2014: Long list of usable tools via Journalism.co.uk
25. Februar 2012
This is part funny, part disturbing: One writers experience when trying to sell a book. Short version: The bots take care of that.
14. April 2013
Dissecting a Trailer: The Parts of the Film that Make the Cut? By Shan Carter, Michael Bostock and Amanda Cox, for NYT.
17. März 2017
How walkers walk. Video on how they made the "Star Wars" AT-AT walkers move, using stop motion technique.
02. Juli 2012
"On the media" is a witty, weekly radio podcast. They did a whole edition about data. Listen up.
31. August 2012
Statwing aims to simplify complex data analysis. One to watch.
05. Juli 2013
Brush up your skills working with numbers, go to "Spreadsheetjournalism". Good resource, thx to Abbott Katz.
09. Januar 2020
Lyft releases Flyte, a platform for maintaining AI workflows
19. November 2021
The hardware experience is entirely about the software
- Benedict Evans
04. August 2022
The changing face of compute: How the industry of chip making is changing.
18. Juni 2018
AI Nationalism: "Continued rapid progress in machine learning will drive the emergence of a new kind of geopolitics."
14. Dezember 2018
How mobile apps track your exact location. Big story from the New York Times.
08. Dezember 2017
Debt in America - an interactive map shows the geography of debt in America at the national, state, and county levels. How does your community compare?
08. Dezember 2017
From Data Visualization to Interactive Data Analysis - an essay by Enrico Bertini (@FILWD), Assistant Professor at NYU Tandon.
20. November 2017
What explains the U.S. mass shootings? The answer is quite simple. (New York Times)
26. April 2021
Tutorial: How to use React and D3.js
02. Januar 2015
2014 - The Year in Graphics. A list of projects from the Washington Post.
11. April 2016
Eight tips to start a small data-driven journalism team in your newsroom, by Scott Klein (Pro Publica)
27. September 2015
Streaming music revenue surpasses physical sales revenue for the fist time, via Bloomberg
01. Juli 2015
Data journalist, a pointless job title? By Duc Quang Nguyen (Swiss Info)
19. April 2016
Our clothes are going online - with smart labels.
17. Juli 2015
Sorting algorithm animation (in one gif) - overview on how data can bes sorted.
26. März 2014
Ways to make false data look meaningful, by Dan Birken
02. Juni 2014
The Art and Science of Data-Driven Journalism, by Alex Howard.
03. August 2015
The Counted: A database of people being killed by police in the US, via The Guardian
10. März 2017
When pie charts are ok (short: very few cases, but there are alternatives). Via Ann K. Emery
02. Juni 2016
2014 was the hottest year on record: Well made visualization including great animation, via Bloomberg.
01. Dezember 2016
Every job in the U.S., mapped. Incredible detail, amazing visualization.
22. Dezember 2014
10 Significant Visualization Developments - June to November 2014, via Visualizing Data
09. Oktober 2013
Why develop in the newsroom? Good line of arguments for data-driven journalism (#ddj).
15. Juli 2015
What is code? A deep-dive, by Paul Ford.
06. Februar 2014
Teaching everyone to hack, via Zarino Zappia
18. März 2014
Five Thirty Eight is the new data-journalism site by Nate Silver and Team
25. März 2014
Quote: "Data journalism is actually a form of back-to-the-roots movement, of focusing our journalism back on finding facts and the stories within“...
14. März 2014
I don't do maths. How journalism schools teach statistics, via Online Journalism Blog.
05. November 2014
The level of detail now possible for data visualization... Example from election maps NYT.
27. September 2021
Why expensive housing is harmful, in many ways. The problem affects many western metropolitan areas.
31. August 2012
From a tweet: @acarvin: "Want a future in the journalism or media? Learn to code." (laughs from the audience).
11. November 2013
Don't fall prey to the wrong model: Market share vs. installed base.
Long story, but worth reading for better reporting.
17. Dezember 2014
What North Dakota Would Look Like if Its Oil Drilling Lines Were Aboveground
11. April 2016
Teaching Data and Computational Journalism, written by Charles Berret and Cheryl Phillips - published March 2016.
30. August 2013
Beware of Cargo Cult Analytics, great post by Stijn.
20. Dezember 2021
Our world in data. Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems
22. September 2012
Welcome to hacker journalism 101, by Brian Boyer. A great (though demanding) reading list. Love the attitude.
04. November 2013
"Statistics done wrong": Provides an overview, even if you don't have prior knowledge of statistics.
13. Mai 2013
Slaves to the Algorithm. Are we? A well written assessment by Steven Poole, Aeon Magazine (never heard before, but good).
17. November 2016
Washington Post: How Trump won the presidency by razor thin margins. Excellent analysis.
06. Oktober 2017
One chart, telling the story of a broken economy. Via @NYT
18. Oktober 2013
Small data journalism. Tutorials and a great, great reading list, by Dan Nguyen (@dancow on Twitter).
29. März 2016
Data Journalism: MaryJo Webster's training materials, including "Excel Magic"
06. Februar 2014
Lies, Damn Lies, “Data Journalism” and Charts That Don’t Start at 0
21. September 2013
Innovation and value in the data economy. Assessment of a fast growing, global trend.
05. Juli 2013
The Dictatorship of Data: Why super-rationality and too much trust in numbers has a dark side, great article in MIT Technology Report.
08. September 2017
Mortgage Magnitude: How many annual salaries would it take to buy a house? Visualization and comparison.
16. Oktober 2012
Open Data Emerges as a Global Movement. Good overview and comparison, with many links.
18. Dezember 2013
Data Visualization: Year in Review, 2013 - via @flowingdata.
31. August 2012
D3 tutorials by Scott Murray. Well written, best I found so far.
09. Mai 2013
Listen how Shan Carter and Mike Bostock, two of the worlds leading data visualizers do their work. Podcast via Data Stories
30. September 2013
Sketching ideas for web and data projects can go a long way. Exhibit: Twitter.
22. Mai 2013
Check this out: "Storytelling with data". Tons of tips how to tackle unbehaving data with Excel.
04. März 2013
Seven Dirty Secrets of Data Vizualization - helpful, short, to the point what to look for.
10. Oktober 2012
Answers vs. Insights: We really want answers. Good article about an important distinction.
15. Februar 2013
Amanda Cox describing her work process to get to insightful charts.
Essential reading. #ddj
06. August 2012
Beware of eye candy when charting. Just for example, read this: "I hate stacked area charts".
06. Februar 2014
Read: The Data Lake Dream - where is Big Data heading?, by Edd Dumbill
03. November 2012
Six Provocations for Big Data by Danah Boyd, Kate Crawford. Short: Don't believe the hype.
13. April 2013
Sixty Seconds of Salary. Combination of data, video, animation and visualization, via CNN Money.
30. Januar 2014
"Of scripts, scraping and quizzes: how data journalism creates scoops and audiences", by Alex Howard.
08. Mai 2013
Another great tutorial, here for maps: The insanely illustrated guide to your first data-driven Tilemill map, by Lisa Willams.
28. Juni 2012
The story and the algorithm - Emily Bell and others discussing how to turn data into story. Video from a talk.
12. Mai 2012
How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data, via Lifehacker.
15. April 2013
How to lie with statistics. Good presentation about main pitfalls of data collection, interpretation and visualization.
12. Mai 2012
A carefully selected list of visualization tools, cool presentation too, via Datavisualization.ch.
02. Juli 2012
Scraping made easy: For reasons unknown Needlebase went away. Now, Haystax is in an early stage to fill the gap.
08. Mai 2013
Great tutorial: The absurdly illustrated guide to your first dynamic, data-driven timeline, by Lisa Williams.
19. April 2012
When data goes bad: How to identify corrupted, incomplete data, via Online Journalism Blog
14. April 2013
Five steps to separate science from hype. No PhD required. Really good crash course.
15. Juli 2012
10 significant visualisation developments, January to June 2012, by Andy Kirk. Good read, shows the opportunity.
05. April 2013
Vega: Very interesting new visualization library building on top of D3. Check it out and play.
11. Juni 2012
Databeast.org: Detailed tutorials how to find and clean data, in German language.
12. Mai 2012
Get started in data journalism: 60 Visualization tutorials, curated and linked, via Compulsive Data.
22. April 2012
Baby Steps in Data Journalism: Starting from zero, this Tumblr provides tools, links and how-to information. Great place to start.
16. Juli 2012
Getting Data: A Five Minute Field Guide. Excerpt from the #ddj handbook. Quick, nice overview.
07. Mai 2012
Step by step: how to start in a data journalist role. By Paul Bradshaw, Online Journalism Blog.
04. März 2013
Best practices for Mapping. Takeaway: Look for data that really needs a map, via #NICAR 2013.
03. April 2012
Is scraping legal? Some perspectives and answers, via ScraperWiki Data Blog.
30. April 2012
39 Data and visualization blogs worth following, via Flowing Data
22. Juli 2011
Datadoodle: Where the humans meet analytics and related subjects. Frequent posts how to find meaning in data.
15. April 2012
Presentation: Infographics for a Post-Flash World, by Geoff McGhee (via Malofiej 2012).
03. April 2012
Google Fusion Table: Tutorial shows you how to upload data, merge tables and create maps.
10. März 2012
Great overview: Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized), via DailyTekk
03. April 2012
Words of wisdom: 10 Things You Can Learn From the New York Times’ Data Visualizations, by Andy Kirk.
02. März 2012
Love this: Why Data-DrivenJournalism is no joke, via Mediashift | PBS
25. Februar 2012
Taming the Elephant: Infochimps Platform makes it easier to build Big Data stacks. Former internal system, now open.
06. März 2012
Jer Thorp, a data artist in residence at The New York Times, shows off some of his work, via Flowing Data.
02. April 2012
Project Cascade: Visualising use and re-use of news over time and different networks, created by [nytlabs]
24. Februar 2012
MUST READ: Why data-driven journalism is not rocket science - interview with Aron Pilhofer, New York Times.
15. Februar 2012
Why data visualization matters: The best data visualizations expose something new, by Julie Steele. Via O'Reilly Radar.
20. Dezember 2011
Great story based on data, well told: "Who are the richest people in Finland?", by Jens Finnäs (@Dataist)
20. Januar 2012
"What is the career path for a developer in a newsroom? There isn’t one right now", great post by Matt Waite
08. Februar 2012
Video: Strategies for Crowdsourcing Social Data Analysis, by Stanford Visualization Group
20. Januar 2012
Spot is a cool visualizer for Twitter conversations: Search for a topic, then view relations from different angles. Go play.
18. November 2011
How many smartphones are needed to lead the market? Comparison of market share vs profit, via minimally minimal
04. Dezember 2011
Take Care of your Choropleth Maps: On the use of colour and grouping of findings. Via vis4.net (Gregor Aisch)
08. Dezember 2011
A must-see introduction/overview: Data-driven journalism and data visualization by Jojo Malig on Prezi. Watch it and you get it.
13. Januar 2012
What is big data? An introduction - very good read. By Edd Dumbill (O'Reilly Radar)
08. Februar 2012
Pattern is a web mining module for the Python programming language. Pattern | CLiPS
18. Januar 2012
Data Journalism Master Track, probably among the first worldwide, via Tilburg University.
08. Februar 2012
Help finish the Data Journalism Handbook - a list of where contributions are needed. #ddj #opendata
12. Dezember 2011
How data journalists at The Guardian investigated the data from the riots, by Simon Rogers (Guardian Data Blog).
01. Februar 2012
Trends in Data Journalism (Study, 2012). Interesting overview and analysis of challenges.
20. Dezember 2011
Revisited: The most extensive list of tools for data-driven journalism that is out there, by Andy Kirk.
02. August 2010
In the past, one could get by on intuition and experience. Today, the name of the game is data. "Supercrunchers" is an interesting read on this.
14. Januar 2012
Could Google ever go down? My answer: Yes, quickly even, if they breach trust. Read the story of Mocality in Kenya.
21. Dezember 2011
The Bastards Book of Ruby - programming for non-programmers. By Dan Nguyen (Pro Publica)
04. Juli 2011
Backgrounder: An introduction to "Linked and Open Data" for Information Professionals, by Zach Beauvais (Kasabi)
16. November 2011
The Data Journalism Handbook, written by hacks and hackers at Mozfest 2011. Here is a video about the project.
25. August 2010
Where does my money go? -- An example how open data can be used for more clarity. This is just the start.
25. August 2010
The investigative reporting team of the Washington Post invested two years to collect stories and data: "Top Secret America."
25. August 2010
How can you avoid a software project becoming a desaster? Here is some data. Ages old by web standards, but still relevant.
25. August 2010
Hal Varian in the McKinsey Quarterly: "I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians." Interesting read.
25. August 2010
Development of Facebook privacy - visualized by Matt McKeon in a way that let's you understand in an instant. Scary, too.
14. September 2010
The World Bank provides access to large amounts of data from around the world. They relaunched the site and provide access for apps.
16. September 2010
Interested in data processing and visualization? Please meet Ben Fry, who wrote a book on how to process data. Even if you are not a coder.
22. September 2010
Schooloscope: A sensible approach to grade schools. It's in beta, but keeps a balance between informing and exposing. By Berg (London).
30. September 2010
Geneva, Stanford, Amsterdam - different places, same message. A link to my data-driven journalism presentations from 2010.
30. September 2010
Journalism in the age of data: A documentary. See what the idea is all about. Created by Geoff McGhee.
02. Oktober 2010
Data-driven journalism: Only the start. This links to an article I wrote and let's you download a free PDF, over at EJC.net
02. Oktober 2010
Metadata is a must for the future, but a pain today. See how the Associated Press works on this. Interesting.
07. Oktober 2010
Spendometer: A personal budgeting tool that is kind of fun. Intentionally playful and easy to use.
07. Oktober 2010
"Fractions of second" from the New York Times: An example how you can tell a story that is based on data.
14. Oktober 2010
How to be a data journalist, written by Paul Bradshaw for the Guardian. Good entry point for everyone who is interested.
14. Oktober 2010
There is an entry on "data-driven journalism" on the Wikipedia. It provides an overview, but can still be improved. Would you help us?
27. November 2010
Journalists need to understand how to program. But how? "Learn Python the hard way" is a way to start. This links to a number of Python resources.
08. Dezember 2010
Data-Journalist, this is for you: R is a powerful, open-source visualization software. Used by the New York Times and others. Cool stuff.
08. Dezember 2010
Tutorial: How to scrape data from a website. Here: 12.000 Restaurants in 12 minutes, using ScraperWiki.
04. Januar 2011
How to scrape data from websites, a guide and list of tools from ProPublica.
21. Januar 2011
The London DataStore and the apps built with information available there provide a good case why opening up data is the future.
21. Januar 2011
Helpful Q&A site "Get the Data". If you are searching for datasets or have questions, this is a good place to go.
10. Februar 2011
Tutorial: Communicating Data Clearly, by Naomi B. Robbins, from Strata Conference 2011.
26. März 2011
Corporations won't like this, but journalists do: Scraping financial information from offshore tax havens (by Open Corporates).
27. März 2011
How to think like a data scientist: Seven secrets, shared by Michael Driscoll (Dataspora Blog)
27. März 2011
Needlebase = super-easy data scraping, merging, geo-coding.
08. Mai 2011
Learn Python with Google. It's an online tutorial, well structured and not too long to be scary.
12. Mai 2011
Cool: What happens to a data set once it is open? "The Social Life of Data" tries to find out.
12. Mai 2011
Scraping, cleaning and selling big data. Via O'Reilly Radar, covers work of US-Company Infochimps.
13. Mai 2011
How Open Data Initiatives Can Improve City Life (via Mashable).
17. Mai 2011
The Social Life of Data: A new project from the UK. They ask the right questions, I just like the idea behind it.
03. Juni 2011
Compile, Clean, Connect: The mantra of data journalism, presentation from Paul Bradshaw.
03. Juni 2011
Bringing data journalism into curricula, by Michelle Minkoff
04. Juni 2011
How to use Google Visualization tools. Short video tutorial shows you what journalists can do using tools that are out there.
05. Juni 2011
McKinsey expects rising demand for data heads, resulting in opportunities for journalists - via Nathan Yau, Flowing Data.
05. Juni 2011
How to make searchable, Web-based Google charts | Tutorial @Poynter, by Michelle Minkoff (again)
09. Juni 2011
Focus on story: If you are a journalist and interested in data stories, "Visualization as a Reporting Tool" is a must-read. (fixed link)
09. Juni 2011
"Data is evergreen content. Its value to users does not end after 24 hours", links to article by Rich Gordon (2007)
26. Juni 2011
PANDA Project is a “newsroom data application,” that helps find context and relationships on the fly. A winner at Nieman 2011
08. Juli 2011
Data journalism, data tools, and the newsroom stack, via O'Reilly Radar
19. Juli 2011
Same As: A smart service for the coming web of linked data. Find datasets that are "same as" others.
14. Juli 2011
Open Data in Africa: "Kenya's quiet revolution", there is something going on here.
19. Juli 2011
Making of: "How We Visualized 23 Years of Geo Bee Contests", via Datavisualization.ch
22. Juli 2011
Tutorial: How to use ScraperWiki to get data, even if you do not code.
23. Juli 2011
Data journalism for beginners: How to analyze unfamiliar data - circle, dive, and riff (via Anne Bourgeon)
12. August 2011
Zanran is a search engine for data and charts. It looks into PDFs of studies, too. Fast way to find numbers for almost everything.
28. August 2011
Data Visualization for Non-Programmers, via Knight Digital Media Center. Great tutorial for beginners.
19. September 2011
Building data science teams. What they need to know and how they work, via O'Reilly Radar
08. Oktober 2011
The Data, The Scraper, The Tweeter and The Bot: Modifying data into news feeds, via Data Miner UK (Nicola Hughes).
12. Oktober 2011
How to use Open Data. Guidelines for Journalists, via Helsingin Sanomat, by Esa Mäkinen
18. Oktober 2011
Which chart for which data? Here is a very cool overview to get started, by A. Abela (2006)
11. November 2011
How to scrape data from websites like Wikipedia, using =importHTML(“”,”table”,N).
17. Juli 2015
Context as part of reporting - e.g. "What is the Islamic state?". Based on an example from the Washington Post.
04. Juni 2011
Media executives: Stop fighting your employees, stop fighting your readers - Nick Bilton Interview @Storytell.in
02. August 2010
Stijn Debrouwere, an information architect from Belgium, argues why journalism should focus on structuring information, not simply dressing up content.
12. September 2010
Looking for a place where the rules for online journalism are collected without too much clutter? Check out "Advancing the Story".
17. Oktober 2013
Great resource for journalism teachers: Model curricula for journalism education, via UNESCO.
16. Dezember 2019
Frontliners: Hong Kong 2019 protests in photos
04. November 2013
NSA Files: Decoded. A strong multimedia dossier telling everyone why "I have nothing to hide" is not the answer.
03. Mai 2021
How Pfizer Makes Its Covid-19 Vaccine. A documentation of the complex manufacturing and testing process, which takes 60 days.
05. Oktober 2018
The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies, via Bloomberg.
14. Januar 2013
Study: Across the world, money to support journalism startups comes from a variety of sources, via Nieman Journalism Lab
29. April 2021
A new wave of crypto users: migrant workers. Technology is used to sent remittances home, for lower fees.
17. September 2013
What journalism can do: Nominees and awards for innovative reporting and storytelling.
04. Juli 2012
Carto DB is an alternative to create maps. Here is an information-rich tutorial.
10. Oktober 2012
How La Nación holds power to account in Costa Rica with investigative data journalism
09. Januar 2020
Disinformation For Hire: How A New Breed Of PR Firms Is Selling Lies Online, via @CraigSilverman
26. November 2021
A city ten times the size of New York - a report about the future of African mega-cities.
16. November 2018
The future of news on smart speakers? In short: The current offerings are not very popular, for a number of reasons.
02. Dezember 2016
How to hide $400 million. True story about offshore trusts, written like a thriller.
25. August 2010
There is an important difference between a puzzle and a mystery. Malcolm Gladwell explains the "perils of too much information".
25. August 2010
Mathew Allard (Al Jazeera) tests the Sony NEX-5. Maybe we get around buying a Canon 5D MkII. But only maybe.
11. Juni 2011
How a false story went global: From Twitter to Reuters to all the big names in media. A cautionary tale: "Psychic Tips, Media Frenzies and Texas"
25. August 2010
Presenting the facts is what journalists do. But how do people cope with that if they are plainly wrong? Read "How facts backfire" and you know.
25. August 2010
"Journalists working for journalists" - the claim of the European Journalism Centre is a fitting description of what they do.
25. August 2010
"Finding the frame" let's you sent in your multimedia piece for review. Collaborative learning, I like the idea and the results, too.
22. September 2010
The beauty of photoshop: The NYT shows how models look before and after. Innovative use of photo overlays. Must see.
27. November 2010
Anthony DeBarros has a to-the-point analysis how data affects journalism.
21. Januar 2011
25 rules for Journalists - to write better, to find the story. Great stuff from Tim Radford, published in The Guardian
09. Februar 2011
Jonathan Stray » A computational journalism reading list. The most complete overview you can get right now. Really helpful.
02. März 2011
Co-wrote an article with Geoff McGhee and Nicolas Kayser-Bril: Media companies must become trusted data hubs - on OWNI.eu and Nieman Labs.
04. März 2011
Media companies must become trusted data hubs: This links to reactions on Twitter. What is your opinion? Join the conversation.
09. Mai 2011
How journalists can "hack RSS feeds", find relevant stories and reduce information overload (via GigaOm).
08. Mai 2011
Inside the New York Times: A documentary, here's a link to the trailer.
03. Juni 2011
The future of advertising? This piece argues that "brand is story". Which means that well told narratives have a rising value, doesn't it?
04. Juni 2011
Page One. A documentary about the New York Times, here is the trailer.
17. Juni 2011
Ever wondered why articles with numbered lists are so successful? Over at Cracked.com "listicles" become an art form (via Wired).
01. Juli 2011
Open Data in the Newsroom: What's the story? My talk from OKCon 2011 (on Slideshare)
05. Juli 2011
What are the right metrics for newspapers? Answers here, from an interview with Brian Storm by Håvard Ferstad
14. Juli 2011
Insightful analysis by Paul Bradshaw: 6 ways of communicating data journalism, via Online Journalism Blog
20. Juli 2011
All the Guardian's data journalism articles. In one spreadsheet. Pragmatic approach, impressive results.
23. Juli 2011
What is a data-journalist? Brian Boyer calls them hacker journalists: Like a photo journalist, but with a laptop (via Michelle Minkoff)
31. Juli 2011
Data journalism at The Guardian: What is it and how they do it, written by Simon Rogers.
12. August 2011
Programming for mere mortals, an eBook series by Steven Frank. First issue: How to count.
23. September 2011
News organizations should build apps that solve problems, not just republish content, via Poynter
12. Oktober 2011
"Existing journalism formats are not very good at engaging curiosity", via Jonathan Stray, in: "Designing journalism to be used"
19. Oktober 2011
Would your news organization accept a 30% failure rate when innovating? Some data how Google handles this, via Poynter.
21. Oktober 2011
Entrepreneurial journalism: J++, short for Journalism++, builds datajournalism applications that help people make decisions.
05. November 2011
The continuing digital transformation of the New York Times. A speech by Arthur Sulzberger
11. November 2011
Rolf Dobelli: "News is to the mind what sugar is to the body". A critic of todays fast-food news production and consumption.
10. Januar 2012
Tutorials | Knight Digital Media Center: If you want to sharpen your skills, here is a great resource.
18. Januar 2012
Facebook Research: Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks. Interesting view, yet only the start of understanding the future.
18. Januar 2012
Why I started PandoDaily, by Sarah Lacy. Notable: A site covering companies en route to IPO wanting just the opposite for itself.
15. Februar 2012
The bond between data and journalism grows stronger: Interview with the Liliana Bounegru, via O'Reilly Radar.
25. Februar 2012
"The visualisations I love are those that exhibit a very simple design execution but unlock disproportionately rich stories" - Andy Kirk
04. März 2012
How I built my first app (with a little help) | Technology | The Observer
10. März 2012
The term “data driven journalism” has become popular. Yet data illiteracy among journalists is high, says Aron Pilhofer.
10. März 2012
#SXSW 2012: Data-driven Journalism Unconference , with NPR, Texas Tribune, Buzzdata, Panda Project, Infochimps & Deutsche Welle.
18. März 2012
Scrape it, map it, grab it: The Kind of Programming Journalism Needs (Is Simple), by Lisa Williams
22. März 2012
How Target figured out a teenage girl was pregnant before her father ... and why their analytic energy would be better spent on health
14. April 2012
Start small, get it right: The newsonomics of small things. By Ken Doctor // Nieman Journalism Lab
15. April 2012
PEW: 72% of US adults are local news enthusiasts, survey says. Does not mean that they are enthusiastic about local newspapers.
22. April 2012
Datenjournalismus als Geschäftsmodell (in German): Blogpost about Open Data City, a smart data journalism start-up from Berlin.
22. April 2012
A peek inside the Data Journalism Handbook. A crowd-sourced resource, providing overview and insights.
30. April 2012
The Data Journalism Handbook is here. Free on the web, book and eBook by O'Reilly.
07. Mai 2012
Can Data Journalism Save Newsrooms? Panel at the International Journalism Festival, Perugia, via Mediashift | PBS.
30. Mai 2012
Reinventing the article. Goal is to provide context, based on structured data.
16. Juli 2012
Must read: The Engaging Data Manifesto, by Eric Hochhalter. Sums up why #ddj is important and what the focus is.
16. August 2012
Good: "The future of journalism can and will be better than the past", by Richard Gingras (via Poynter).
16. August 2012
"Everywhere at Once: Chef Geoff Tracy’s Data-Driven Empire". It's a peek into the future of data use.
27. August 2012
Book Reviewers for hire: Relevant and revealing story from #NYT. Brings up question of trust/truth in online content.
13. September 2012
“We don’t select publications anymore, we select links”: Clay Shirky writing for Columbia Journalism Review
13. September 2012
Three media ventures, three models, one is a success. Compare for yourself.
22. September 2012
A reading list for studying online journalism, by Paul Bradshaw. Read these books and presumably the future does not look that bleak.
23. September 2012
Google News at 10: How the Algorithm Won Over the News Industry, Megan Garber - The Atlantic
24. Oktober 2012
Learnable Programming, by Bret Victor. Very important when talking about teaching old horses new tricks.
02. November 2012
Data, uncertainty, and specialization: What journalism can learn from FiveThirtyEight’s election coverage
11. November 2012
Inside the Secret World of Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win, via TIME
28. November 2012
Important: "Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present", by C.W. Anderson, Emily Bell, Clay Shirky
17. Januar 2013
A lot observed, a lot of learnings: 21 Things I Learned Running Hyperlocal News Sites
28. Januar 2013
Simon Rogers: 22 key links for data-driven journalism.
04. März 2013
Raju Narisetti on designing for mobile, the paywall fallacy, and reinventing ads, via Nieman Lab.
09. März 2013
Teach people how to interview databases, via Nieman Lab.
04. April 2013
Jacob Harris on turning freeform text into journalism: How the data sausage gets made
05. April 2013
Show Us The Data: Time For Companies To Reveal What They Know About Us, via ReadWriteWeb
05. April 2013
Five types of content curation tools for journalists, via News:Rewired
11. April 2013
The Bombing of Al-Bara, Syria. A PBS-Report shows what happens in modern war.
13. April 2013
If online journalism wants money for stories, why does no one think about turning ads into meaningful stories/services, too?
22. April 2013
Boston Moments: Strong, relevant multimedia reporting, with a focus on the victims. Via New York Times Graphics.
05. Juni 2013
Big Data, big problems: An interview with Nate Silver, who predicted outcome of last two US elections. Via The Guardian.
02. September 2013
A confederacy of truth-tellers: Why small teams might rock this place, via Alberto Cairo.
21. September 2013
Journalism training. Editing 2013 - how to wear five hats and succeed, via Poynter.
09. Oktober 2013
Why tablet magazines might be a failure. Via Gigaom.
08. November 2013
A history of dishonest Fox charts. Read: How not to distort, cherry-pick and mix up numbers.
21. November 2013
Supreme data story: "In climbing the income ladder, location matters", NYT
10. Januar 2014
The tools are getting better and better. Here: Text mining for journalists via the Overview project.
06. Februar 2014
The most brilliant piece of #ddj on Sochi so far: The podium of corruption, via @nazlinski
06. Februar 2014
Why I wireframe in pencil, via Zarino Zappia
14. März 2014
On better metrics, via Tony Haile.
30. Mai 2014
Typical data visualization mistakes (booklet): Quick overview of common problems.
12. Juni 2014
What is Adaptive Journalism? (Short: Ensuring that your content comes to readers, based on time of day and device).
28. November 2014
Print vs. Digital: A culture thing. Good comparison via @GigaOm.
15. Juli 2015
The art and science of data-driven journalism, by Alex Howard (for TOW Center)
12. November 2016
The end of Busy - how to declutter your life and avoiding the trap of just being busy
28. November 2016
"This isn't just window dressing". How Artificial Intelligences is part of a real shift in large tech companies, via Wired.
10. März 2017
Room for improvement: What are winning strategies for paid content? (Report)
05. November 2014
If this, then that. A website/service enabling to automate tasks. Here are 10 recipes usable for journalists (via Journalism.co.uk)
29. November 2016
Silicon Valley has an empathy vacuum - for the people whose lifes get disrupted by tech, by Om Malik
16. November 2017
The Road Movie. "A feature-length compilation of Russian dashcam videos." Coming to a windscreen near you.
13. Juni 2018
Video: Blockchain beyond Bitcoin, via Reuters
15. Februar 2012
Great analysis: Narrative Visualization - Telling Stories with Data, by Edward Segel & Jeffrey Heer (Stanford Vis Group).
09. März 2013
Inequality in America - Data Storytelling in Video, via Robert Kosara
06. Dezember 2010
David McCandless talks about the "Beauty of Data Visualization" at TED in August 2010. Some of the examples he shows are stunning.
06. Dezember 2010
Did you wake up this morning and could not remember what happened? Maybe you find the answer in "Texts from last night".
10. Februar 2011
The Sartorialist: A great online video about Fashion-Blogger Scott Schumann. Good Storytelling, impressive scenes.
11. Februar 2011
Funny & revealing: OkCupid analyzed the "Best questions to ask on a first date". Further proof that understanding the data is everything.
07. Oktober 2013
The recycled orchestra. A moving story about violins made out of trash. And kids getting a perspective (via Upworthy).
13. Januar 2011
Moving from Soundslides to video? Here is a good tutorial from Mindy McAdams for iMovie.
13. Januar 2011
"Consider the Lobster", by David Foster Wallace. Just read it. Published on Gourmet.com, where it created some controversy.
10. April 2012
Aron Pilhofer: “Medien sind nicht datengetrieben” | Datenjournalist
19. April 2012
Pebble: E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android. Astonishing funding via Kickstarter. Really astonishing.
13. April 2013
Secrets of the Magus, love the narrative here. Via The New Yorker, 1993
13. November 2010
Close-up, disturbingly close: Photographer Tony Fouhse shot pictures of crack addicts in Ottawa. The series is called "User".
19. November 2010
"Give me something to read" is a site, where they collect long-form online journalism. An uncluttered site with gems of good content.
13. November 2010
"People are starving for good stories": Four short videos with Brian Storm we shot for Deutsche Welle in 2008, transcript by Håvard Ferstad.
17. Juni 2011
Hunting down the bots: A modern-day thriller story, from the real word. Well written by Christoper S. Stewart
13. November 2010
Big question: Are successful entrepreneurs just "lucky fools"? Adam Smith thought so.
03. Juni 2011
How to shoot video that doesn't suck. Links to a promotion trailer for a book. But even the five tips there are gold.
26. Juni 2011
Making stories powerful: Three attributes that make stories important, powerful and lasting forever (from TEDx Vancouver)
18. Februar 2011
The Hot Spotters: A brilliant story in the "New Yorker", on how understanding patient data might help to repair our health systems.
05. Juli 2011
How to create the ultimate TEDTalk, by Sebastian Wernicke. Advice based on statistical analysis, very funny.
15. Februar 2012
This is - in a way - fascinating and revealing: The 'Undue Weight' of Truth on Wikipedia, via: The Chronicle of Higher Education.
04. Januar 2011
100 Things to watch in 2011 from JWT Research. This presentation is interesting because it makes you think about change.
29. Juni 2011
Good storytelling, what is that exactly? Need an example in 53 seconds?
08. Juli 2011
Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us — And How to Know When Not to Trust Them” by David H. Freedman
16. Februar 2012
Data and Storytelling: 6 Ways to Use Data to Move Your Mission, by Kurt Voelker. Very readable and clear.
05. Januar 2011
The Joy of Stats: Hans Rosling provides proof why data is sexy. This links to a short clip from the BBC programme.
13. August 2011
M-U-S-T_S-E-E: 8 Hours in Brooklyn. Slow motion, incredible visuals (by Next Level Pictures).
23. März 2011
Memolane helps you to visualize what you did, what happened. Nice way to use screenshots and photos.
19. April 2012
So revealing: Six degrees of aggregation -How the Huffington Post ate the Internet, by Michael Shapiro
04. Juni 2011
Mitch Alfus, father of three, husband of two. Leather King. A Selby Film. Incredible piece of work.
14. Juli 2011
Steve Buttry in reply to Jeff Jarvis: Why should storytelling stop evolving now? via The Buttry Diary
13. August 2011
8 Rules of Multimedia. Simple, compelling, easy to follow (via Digital Naturalist).
10. August 2012
Can't tell you how much I love this. The images, the rhythm, the music: It's Better In The Wind, by Scott Toepfer.
05. Juni 2011
Quote: "Is Twitter Like Speech or Like Writing? The Answer Is Yes." (via GigaOm)
27. November 2012
Clay Shirky: "Young journalists don't care how it was done in the past". One (cool) result: The Fracking Song.
24. März 2011
The Guardian: The path to protest. A masterful timeline to structure information about Middle East protests.
21. Juli 2011
Rise and Shine: The Jay DeMerit Story. An amazing detail is how the film got funded via Kickstarter. Look up the number.
14. November 2011
Colonista.de - a website telling stories from Cologne. It's my newest project, a platform for storytelling. Check it out.
20. Dezember 2011
This is for storytellers: Introduction To Sequence Structure, by Neal Romanek. Great "Star Wars" example here, too.
07. Mai 2012
Re(de)fining Print and the Resurgence of the Magazine, via Hypebeast .
30. September 2011
The joy of handmade, quality goods. A video collection worth watching, at "F**k Yeah Made in USA"
11. November 2011
The Knife Maker, via "This is Made by Hand". Inspiring, wonderfully shot and telling a very personal story.
15. August 2012
The Invisible Bicycle Helmet. A story about innovation, well told.
05. Juni 2011
Gear guide for multimedia journalists - low, mid and high budget. Provides a good orientation (via Innovative Interactivity)
31. Oktober 2011
10 common video storytelling mistakes (and how to avoid them), by Adam Westbrook
11. August 2012
Sight. A film about the future.
31. August 2012
Great story, told with a soundslide: Gunter Holtorf's 23-year road trip (BBC)
14. Januar 2012
YouTube Player Gets Video Thumbnails and Storyboards: Helps to understand structures and flow of stories.
19. Juni 2011
Why storytelling rises in importance vs. brand building: The stories must be true.
08. Juli 2011
"If it where my home" is a website, that is powered by a great idea and very well executed.
31. Juli 2011
Charles Joseph Minard: Infographic displaying the death march of the French Army under Napoleon, published 1869.
08. Februar 2012
How it is and how it should be: The structure of great, engaging stories. Talk by Nancy Duarte @ TEDx East
31. August 2012
Jason Smyth - Paralympian.
12. September 2012
Whoah: 240 great data interactives on one page. Great resource and a model for other collections, too.
02. März 2012
Beware of over-simplification: Telling a (data) story doesn’t tell the whole story, via Fell in Love with Data
24. April 2012
The power of storytelling: How One Response to a Reddit Question Became a Big-Budget Flic, via Wired.
08. Mai 2012
Love this: How To Survive A Robot Uprising (aka Robopocalypse). Sweet & terrifying at the same time.
16. August 2012
"It's Better in the Wind" is a must-see shortfilm about a roadtrip with motorcyles.
13. April 2012
Smart, funny advertising: We know drama!
15. April 2012
Heart-warming: Caine’s Arcade: A cardboard arcade made by a 9-year old boy, short video.
24. Oktober 2012
Storytelling and Focus, based on Minard's famous map of the death march of Napoleon's army.
27. März 2012
How Athletes build their brains: The Science Of Growing Talent, by Joe Ward from the New York Times
05. August 2012
Steve McQueen and the Story of Le Mans, via The Selvedge Yard
22. November 2012
The Hard Life of an N.F.L. Long Shot, by Charles Siebert (New York Times)
23. April 2012
Christiano Ronaldo: Tested to the limit. Fascinating story, involving (lots of) data.
23. September 2011
Monoculture: How One Story is Changing Everything by F.S. Michaels (Book)
10. Juli 2013
Kit FUI. The Database of "Fictional User Interfaces".
05. August 2012
Depth of Speed. Car culture, love for old mechanical things, dreams. All in here.
04. Juni 2013
Firestorm - a multimedia story about fires in Tasmania. Must see, both for content and style.
03. August 2010
"The Mast Brothers" get delight from chocolate. This video makes you dream of working in a small company that focuses on quality.
15. August 2012
Narratively. Telling New Yorks untold stories. Hope they get to the funding goal on Kickstarter.
04. März 2013
How to make a can for Coca Cola. The incomprehensible complex process one product, sold for 54 Cents. Astounding article, by Kevin Ashton.
29. Dezember 2012
The New York Times pushing the envelope - "Snow Fall" combines text and multimedia for the web. Some debate, but great.
13. April 2013
Tell a four word story: Elevator pitches reduced to bare essentials, via Medium.
10. Januar 2013
2012: The Year in Graphics - by the amazing team at the New York Times.
15. Mai 2013
"It takes thick skin": The writer/editor relationship. How Richard Todd and Tracy Kidder work together, via The Open Notebook.
05. Juni 2013
One visualization, five experts views on good/bad/ugly. Cool way of dissecting the many layers. Via BBC.
09. April 2013
The Art Market for Dummies, a data comparison. Some surprises, some cool charts, too.
08. November 2013
Making data visualizations: A survival guide, to help you get started doing it right. by Gregor Aisch (Twitter: @driven_by_data).
28. Mai 2014
The entire internet in one real-time infographic, via Venture Beat
14. April 2013
Storytelling with Data: What Are the Impacts on the Audience? Via Nick Diakopoulos.
21. November 2013
They are watching you at work, The Atlantic
28. März 2014
Jerusalem - a cookbook. Plus: An invitation to explore one of the worlds most fascinating cities.
27. September 2015
Hit Charade: How the global music hits are made (in Sweden, mostly). Via The Atlantic.
11. April 2013
Social hierarchy in elevators. Why and how we try to keep maximum distance. Fascinating, via Kottke.org
13. April 2013
How the banner ad was born (includes mention of "Ace of Base"), via Digiday.
24. Mai 2013
How the New York Times tells Stories with Data, interview with Aron Pilhofer (FastCoLabs).
30. August 2013
Elections in Germany, visualized with cheese, sausages and bread. Via Zeit Online.
18. März 2014
The power of well written words: What a day! By Ken Fuson (via Poynter.org)
09. Dezember 2014
Kids are moving from TV to glowing rectangles: "Within five years, YouTube will be the biggest media platform of any, by far, in the entire world"
29. September 2013
Horrible, incredibly sad: Children and guns in the USA, via NYT.
09. Oktober 2013
Great reading: "And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’, by Fred Vogelstein", for the New York Times.
29. November 2013
100 diagrams that changed the world, via Brain Pickings. A visual ride to disruptive ideas and insights.
08. März 2014
Beyond "Snow Fall": 12 examples of immersive storytelling on the web.
28. März 2014
Winners of the 2014 Multimedia Contest (World Press Photo)
15. Dezember 2014
Love this: A big, short lesson about the process of design and creating stuff. Starring the great Aaron Draplin.
10. März 2017
Internet Warriors: Visiting the people who spend their life with debates on the internet (The Guardian)
29. April 2021
"Why is it so expensive?" The NYT asked people from around the world what they think of U.S. Health Care.
10. Dezember 2013
The Long Good Read. A robot newspaper experiment, via The Guardian.
18. Dezember 2013
Planet Money makes a T-Shirt. Great, engaging interactive web documentary. One of the best 2013.
06. Februar 2014
Reinventing life through travel. A personal story of a family heading out.
06. Februar 2014
Fast interactive prototyping with Sketch and d3.js
26. März 2014
What is it like to miss an Olympic medal by seconds? What if you come in fourth? The New York Times has the stories.
15. Dezember 2014
Watch this guy create digital art: David Lesperance is a "Digital Environment Artist".
13. Dezember 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The full story in infographics - via South China Morning Post.
20. Dezember 2021
M1 Chip: How Apple changed the entire PC industry
03. Mai 2021
Degrees of Uncertainty. An animated documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts.
20. Dezember 2021
Rick Rubin: The Invisibility of Hip Hop's Greatest Producer (Soulr)
02. August 2010
"Scrapertown" is one video in a series at "California is a place" and brings you to East Oakland. HD-Video and a great story.
10. Oktober 2013
How Twitter was founded… A compelling narrative story, by Nick Bilton, New York Times
17. Oktober 2013
Tips for Storytellers: How to make the most of your tweets, via Poynter.
18. Oktober 2013
The future of storytelling. The future of your story.
21. Oktober 2013
Infecting an audience: Why great stories spread, via @FastCo
10. Juli 2015
Disney business strategy chart, 1957: Visualizing a plan on one page
18. November 2016
How Two Trailblazing Psychologists Turned the World of Decision Science Upside Down, by Michael Lewis for Vanity Fair
12. September 2010
"Spill the beans" is a storytelling platform from Germany, most stories are in english. I hope that the market will open for such productions.
27. November 2013
"Creative bursts in a sea of sameness" - Why the mega-stories matter, Wemedia
20. Februar 2014
Simplicity as a strategy for when there are five billion people using the internet (which is where we are heading).
27. Juli 2015
Data-driven maps created for "Berliner Morgenpost", by Moritz Klack
14. April 2017
The unlikely odds of making it big as a band. Based on a data-driven analysis. Via The Pudding/Polygraph.
19. April 2016
Family food survey data: How Britains diet has changed, by KILN for Open Data Institute
25. August 2010
"Take care", from a training workshop by Mediastorm. Shows that you should not judge a book by its cover.
25. August 2010
"Give me something to read" is into long-form articles. The site is feeding the great Instapaper app on the iPhone. Feeds you with good stuff.
14. September 2010
Ira Glass (This American Life) sitting down to talk about storytelling - from basics to master. This links to part 1 of a series on YouTube.
14. September 2010
The portfolio of Story4, a multimedia production studio. They work for media and NGOs.
14. September 2010
Here is a link to Duck Rabbit, producers of fine multimedia. I like the fact that most of these studios have names like a motorcycle club.
28. September 2010
Storify enables you to curate tweets. Sort, filter, add - whatever. It combines real-time with overview, which is cool.
01. Oktober 2010
If you want to be a star on Slideshare, you should STEAL THIS PRESENTATION. A good guide for presentation design.
07. Oktober 2010
A question that bugs me: If the 5D MKII is too expensive and you just want to shoot, which one is better: Canon 60D or Panasonic GH2?
28. Oktober 2010
"Out my window" is a panoramic documentary by Katerina Cizek (@katciz). Stunning and creative.
16. April 2012
Inside The Story: Book about storytelling, by twenty journalists, film makers - including Brian Storm, Adam Westbrook.
14. Mai 2021
The spread of conspiracy theories is worrying. Educators need to examine why information literacy training is not working here.
22. März 2013
Storytelling with data, a talk from Jonathan Corum. Worth your time.
10. Mai 2021
How Filippo Brunellschi build the World's Largest Dome 600 years ago
29. März 2021
Porsche 356: Made by hand. How cars were built by Porsche in the 1950s. Historic documentation
16. November 2016
Shipmap, by Kiln. Wonderful, animated data visualization showing global transport on the oceans.
21. Februar 2014
Why are headlines of celebrity magazines mostly yellow? Plus other insights about the design of magazine covers) with great pictures.
11. April 2016
The next hot job in Silicon Valley is for poets, via Washington Post
11. April 2016
In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health... The Sugar Conspiracy
19. April 2016
Stephen Curry’s 3-Point Record in Context: Off the Charts, by Gregor Aisch and Kevin Quealy (NYT)
02. Juni 2016
What does it mean to be poor? A story of three German families shows there are no easy answers.
18. November 2016
What I saw in Syria. Multimedia-Story by Declan Walsh for The New York Times
14. April 2017
Building an iPhone from scratch. This video tells us that even the most coveted & profitable products are made of little building blocks.
25. April 2017
The Mark of a Great City Is in How It Treats Its Ordinary Spaces, Not Its Special Ones, by Aaron M. Renn
08. September 2017
The Evolution of Trust. Interactive game, that teaches you a lot in a very short time.
01. Oktober 2017
Responsive scrollytelling best practices, via Russell Goldenberg, The Pudding
05. September 2017
When and how to use scrolling in data visualization, with absolutely awesome examples. All in one place.
19. Dezember 2017
"Millenials are screwed". How one generation in the USA fared worse than the one before - and why. A must-see, must read.
05. Oktober 2018
Fascinating: MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games (Video)
05. Oktober 2018
Behind the cover: Story of how one photo session with Lady Gaga was produced.
12. Oktober 2018
The Lisa - MacStories.
10. Oktober 2018
Eliza, the first chatbot
16. Oktober 2018
Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad, a talk by Austin Kleon (video). Inspirational if you do creative work.
19. November 2018
How magic sounds. Memorable quote: "People understand what they see, but they feel what they hear."
03. Dezember 2019
New York's Subway Map like You've Never Seen it Before - by Antonio de Luca and Sasha Portis, The New York Times
31. Januar 2020
Wonderful: The Black Godfather. The amazing story of Clarence Avant (Netflix)
31. Mai 2021
Tracked - a spot by Apple to advertise privacy on the iPhone.
05. Juni 2021
The typography of watch dials: "...the creativity is quite staggering".
01. Oktober 2021
In case of moon disaster - short film.
14. Oktober 2021
Insightful: The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory, via The New Yorker
19. November 2021
The real life of a tech founder
15. Februar 2022
What goes into the making of an animation film? Wonderful behind-the-scenes info from Disney.
17. Februar 2022
Sweet Bobby: How well do you know the person you love? Great podcast.
18. April 2022
How did Roman Aqueducts work? This is full of incredible details, how engineers managed the flow of water.
12. April 2022
From Japan: The art of invisible mending.
04. November 2013
Helpful: Five common Wordpress set-up mistakes, via ManageWP.
05. November 2014
New Guardian website (first launched in US) enables users to tweet notable sentences.
30. Mai 2018
Skill Shift - Automation and the future of the workforce, via McKinsey Global Institute
06. Dezember 2010
I find it very inspiring to look at nice architecture online. Here is a good one: "Office snapshots", makes you want to work for a web agency.
03. August 2015
Five Simple Steps: A library of nicely designed, short guides for writing, coding.
13. Januar 2023
This voice doesn't exist. How AI can help to create just any synthetic voice by now.
22. September 2012
22tracks brings you instant music, with playlists from DJs in Amsterdam, Brussels, London and Paris. Addictive.
05. August 2012
Hypebeast.com has found a formula to cover what urban people care about. Good level of interestingness.
26. Januar 2017
David McCandless turns complex data sets into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections (TED)
29. Juli 2011
Bring A Trailer: They help you to find good classic cars. Combines concepts of curation, editorial and trust. Makes money.
17. Oktober 2013
Is it better to built the next-gen media organization from scratch? Sans the baggage, lean and tech-savvy? Read this post by Jay Rosen.
12. Mai 2012
Slavery's last stronghold - CNN.com. Important story, well presented. Effective use of a long multimedia page.
31. Juli 2011
HTML 5 is coming, fast: Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies, via Smashing Magazine
06. Februar 2014
"First News App": @palewire shows you step by step how to build an interactive data application.
02. Dezember 2011
Little Printer | BERG Cloud. Cute? Yes. Innovative? Definitely. You just gotta love the thinking behind it.
10. November 2013
Kettlecorn for journalists. Fast way to work with videos, lower thirds and international translation.
14. März 2014
The technology behind the New York Times Redesign.
18. Dezember 2013
Weekly Filet. Great newsletter, five fresh links coming to your mailbox every Friday, via @davidbauer.
21. November 2013
The 40 Year Slump. How productivity rose, while wages fell. Insightful, in-depth, tackling a big problem.
06. November 2014
Dataviz.com: Ongoing selection of data visualization examples. Page by page navigation, very simple and straight.
27. Juli 2015
Robots, automation and the future of work: The Automation Myth, via Vox.com
31. August 2012
The best interface is no interface. Good design thinking here. The future is about making things simpler.
07. November 2014
Simpler workflows: Notification apps that let you talk to co-workers and systems at the same time. Exhibit: Interbot.
17. Februar 2013
Lookbook.nu - in various ways best fashion community out there. Main reason: Positive vibe, fun, friendliness.
06. Februar 2012
Oakland Crimespotting is an interactive map of crimes in Oakland and a tool for understanding crime in cities.
21. September 2011
Make sure your content looks the same in each browser: A dozen testing tools, reviewed by Smashing Magazine
29. November 2011
Convoy: A Tumblr website presenting an overdose of inspiring, aesthetic mix of pictures. Pretty addictive.
24. Februar 2012
Launched: Datawrapper. A simple, easy to use tool for data visualization, especially for journalists.
16. Juli 2012
D3 Workshop, good overview why everyone in #ddj and #dataviz is so excited about this.
08. November 2013
Spending Stories: How much is it really? (via OKF, by Journalism++ Paris/Berlin).
29. November 2011
It's not about just looking good: "Design for Developers" (and journalists, too). Cool slideshare presentation.
24. Oktober 2013
Big idea, clearly shown: Minimalistic landing pages, desconstructed.
29. Januar 2014
When designing news websites, one important insight: "Scrolling is easier than clicking".
12. Juni 2014
Far Beyond Snow Fall: An Essay about the role of video at the NYT.
08. Februar 2012
Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? By Michael Wolfe
30. Mai 2014
100+ Interesting Data Sets for Statistics, by Robert Seaton
03. April 2012
Andy Rutledge: "Digital news is broken. Actually, news itself is broken". What can be done to fix this?
20. Februar 2014
Peek is a (currently) free service. You get a 5 minute video of a real person using your site.
26. November 2013
Interesting development here: Ghost aims to be a simple, "just blogging" platform that is easy to use.
05. Dezember 2016
The Rise and Fall of Makerbot: The 3D Printing Revolution that wasn't
07. Mai 2012
Data-driven products: Is this data scientist a consumer’s best friend? Interesting approach here, via GigaOm.
10. März 2017
Our world in data: Relevant views and comparisons - showing progress over long time periods, by Max Roser & team.
21. Dezember 2011
The Atlantic: How One Magazine Became Profitable by Going 'Digital First', via Mashable.
19. Dezember 2013
Celebrating two years of Journalism++, with an interactive map.
19. September 2012
Beautiful web type - a showcase of the best fonts. This helps you to get great typography on your next site.
17. Dezember 2014
10 significant visualization developments, July to December 2014, by Andy Kirk.
08. Februar 2012
Responsive web design and the future of print: MediaShift Idea Lab investigates strategy of Boston Globe Online.
21. Oktober 2011
HTML5 Reading List. Not just for web developers. Because this is where we are heading.
21. Oktober 2011
UX Design and Mobile Experience? This is helpful: Organizing Mobile, by Luke Wroblewsk
15. Juli 2015
Next:Economy. New conference from O'Reilly to better understand transformation of work.
16. Juli 2012
The Feature.net (formerly known as "Give me something to read"). A hand-picked selection of the finest articles.
06. Mai 2013
Elephant Movements visualized, very interesting map that helps to understand an issue.
15. April 2012
What's Going On In The WordPress Economy? Key finding: Growing worldwide. By Siobhan McKeown // Smashing Magazine
15. Juli 2015
Dataloop.io aims to make monitoring simpler. Good blogposts, worth reading.
15. April 2012
Cabin Porn: No, not what you think. It's a lovely photo tumblr. Makes you want to live elsewhere.
29. März 2012
Wind Map of the United States - live, interactive, amazing and beautiful. By Martin Wattenberg & Fernanda Viegas.
19. Juli 2016
Who's talking to me? The state of journalism chatbots, 2016
04. April 2013
What is the secret to great infographics? Good background article about Kim Rees of Periscopic.
11. Januar 2012
The Wirecutter | A List of the Best Gadgets. They have an interesting way of cutting away the crap, instead they get to a point.
15. Juli 2013
Spooky: An app that visualizes how much your Google Mail connections tell about you. For experimental purposes, via MIT.
02. Juni 2016
The Priceonomics Data Studio: Turn data into stories.
10. November 2012
Journalists, learn to code? This tutorial teaches you how to built a cool interactive, filtered web page, by Marije Rooze.
22. Mai 2013
Heartbreaking: Photos of Tornado Damage in Moore, Oklahoma, via In Focus/The Atlantic.
22. Mai 2013
Check out Farnam Street Blog: Don't really know where it came from, but it's a powerful daily shot of how smart humans can be (if they want, that is).
14. April 2013
Google introduces "Inactive Account Manager". Essentially a last will for your electronic mails and other musings, via The Atlantic.
13. Februar 2013
Creating a magazine experience on the web, notably sStory is opening new options.
12. August 2011
RGraph: A Javascript charts and graph library. By using the HTML5 canvas tag, you can now create attractive visuals of data.
16. September 2013
Making of: The Design Process of a Wordpress Theme. Helps to understand how much planning and work is involved here.
05. April 2013
Stop working (so hard), by Kyle Bragger via Medium. Actually this a note to myself.
17. Juni 2011
Bit.ly has made it's pro-features available to all users. Means: You can create a cool shor.lnk yourself (via TechCrunch).
31. Juli 2011
Makes you want to start a new website: Best Free WordPress Themes, 2011 Edition, via Smashing Magazine
14. Juli 2013
How to do an interface inventory (most larger news sites would need one to become leaner, cleaner).
09. Oktober 2013
Typeform: Cool new way to create surveys on the web.
13. Juli 2013
Dictionary of Numbers. Helpful Chrome extension, essential to understand what a certain number means.
04. Juni 2011
Jumpchart: A platform to plan websites, with wireframes, sorting content.
07. Juni 2011
Designing Graceful, Gracious Interfaces for iPad - using paper mock-ups (via Omni Group)
08. September 2017
Towards new, data-driven curricula: Stanford Computational Journalism Lab
13. Mai 2011
How do people navigate through news sites? Detailed study from PEW Research Center, free download.
19. November 2010
Can a website change the world? Probably not. Can a good idea change the world? Probably yes, if it is as good as Cola Life.
08. September 2017
The Stanford Open Policing Project: Data training and tutorials.
08. September 2017
Successful learning is important. Learning from the internet is in our future. Five examples here (via Fusion).
08. Juli 2011
GOOD Magazine: Love the infographics (and other sections).
12. August 2011
PixelPing: Developed by Pro Publica. It's a statistical tool to track usage of content, even via embeds on other sites.
08. Dezember 2010
Looking for a fresh look for your blog or web project? Try Themeforest: 3.000 Weblayouts for WordPress, HTML.
19. Juli 2011
Devour: Curated online video, magazine style. A mix of television, web and glossy "print magazine"
10. Februar 2011
Cool cars: I used one of the templates from Graphpaperpress to built this for a friend of mine: Hammer Performance.
10. Februar 2011
The website for VISION Cloud, an EU project I am working in most of my time, is online since January 2011. Uses Fullstory CMS.
26. Juni 2011
Tweet late, email early: How to be more effective in social communication (based on two year data mining)
28. Oktober 2010
Internet Statistics: TNS Digital Life provides a country by country overview, interesting Flash layout.
23. März 2011
Interesting for journalists: Infinite webpages, here are 15 examples (via Inspired Mag)
08. Dezember 2017
Unsplash.com - beautiful, free photos. Plus: A really nice user interface, easily letting you view collections (your and others).
24. Juni 2011
Can information be architected? A presentation from Oliver Reichenstein (Euro IA 2010). Great presentation.
05. Juni 2011
HTML5 resource guide: A long list pointing out tutorials, frameworks to play around with.
04. Oktober 2010
Important question: How much money is earned by some of the bigger blogs? Some seem to make good money, if the numbers here are true.
22. September 2010
BBC Dimensions compares sizes and regions that you know with sizes and regions that you should know about.
08. April 2011
Visual.ly is a new "hub" to connect makers of infographics with a larger public. Interesting video provides an overview.
31. Januar 2020
Lingua Franca: A Design Language for Human-Centered AI. Very well written and structured, worth your time.
29. April 2021
Forum.eu: Creating the European public. Daily selection of relevant articles.
12. September 2010
"Information is beautiful" provides a fresh look at big issues, based on data analysis. It helps you to see patterns more clearly.
05. Juni 2021
Synthetic messenger: A botnet to inflate the value of climate news.
25. Oktober 2021
Financial Times 404 page
25. Oktober 2021
The art of not taking things personally. Other people's emotions might not be about you.
29. April 2021
XKCD: Types of scientific papers
20. Dezember 2021
The war of art. How to overcome self-doubt & self-sabotage. One hour audiobook.
14. Dezember 2021
Kintsugi (golden joinery) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery.
31. Januar 2022
How to tame your wandering mind and actually get some work done
22. September 2021
Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course. Via FreeCodeCamp.
29. Juli 2022
103 bits of useful advice
03. August 2010
When developing a new website, going to Siteinspire is a good idea: A database allows to browse prime examples of good design.
03. August 2010
Curbed has become the "most-trafficked neighborhood and real-estate weblog on the web".
25. August 2010
"Freunde von Freunden" translates into "Friends of Friends". The site let's you peek into other peoples homes. Great sense of style.
13. Juli 2010
Aggregated news, easy to check. Techmeme is usually the first website I go to in the morning.
18. Juli 2010
Monocle connects a print magazine with a good website. Not a site to check day by day, but you'll find something surprising each month.
10. Januar 2020
The Final Chart Topper of the Decade Perfectly Summarizes the Current State of Media, via Kottke.org
10. Januar 2020
Journalism and the foreseeable future.
Columbia Journalism Review on when and how journalists can report about what will happen next.
14. Februar 2020
How Waymo Uses Design to Create Trust in Self-Driving Cars
01. April 2021
The data revolution is transforming the world. And yet much of the value of data remains untapped. Worldbank Development Report 2021 - Data for better lives
05. Juni 2021
The UI design of "The Expanse". Always fun to explore and think how future software might look.
05. Juni 2021
Electric vehicles used as an electric storage grid
27. September 2021
The Liberation of Paris from cars is working, via Slate
01. Oktober 2021
PriceWaterhouseCoopers tells 40,000 US employees that they can work remotely, forever.
31. Januar 2022
Digital avatars: Representation and inclusion in uncharted metaterritory
21. April 2022
The Boneyard Principle: Why the Next Big Thing will Emerge from a Failed Idea
05. April 2022
Why Nations fail (Book, Wikipedia entry here)
21. April 2022
Drones Have Transformed Blood Delivery in Rwanda - they are faster than driving
06. Mai 2022
A swarm of drones flying through a dense bamboo forrest, avoiding collisions autonomously
31. Mai 2022
Hawai aims to switch to solar energy
04. August 2022
Saudi Arabia reveals plans for a 170-kilometre-long mirrored skyscraper to house nine million people
20. November 2023
AI: The Coming Revolution - insightful presentation deck by Coatue
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