I founded a small consultancy for web strategy and site development back in 1995. The company existing today, basically this was the platform for everything I did since then.
Originally I started out as a journalist working for newspapers and magazines during school and university. After graduation from University of Cologne with a master in History/Economics I spent about two years working for a variety of media companies, including print, TV/Video production and even multimedia (we are talking about CD-ROM and Compuserve here).
In 1995 I founded Lorenz:Neue Medien and set up business in Cologne. While it was difficult in the first two, three years to convince clients of the coming internet wave, business improved steadily beginning in 1998. In 1999 we reached a yearly turnover of close 800.000 Euros with just three people.
In 2000 I got an offer from Handelsblatt/Economy.One to become CEO of a small company that was created based on an idea/concept of mine. That lasted until the New Economy came to an end in 2002.
From 2002 to 2004 I worked as an editor for media|NRW and relaunched the site.
From 2004 to 2008 my main assignment was for AM Communication, writing and site development for German Savings Banks and other clients, mainly from the financial industry.
Since 2008 I am freelancing as an information architect for Deutsche Welle and work on other projects, if I have time.
In 2009 I developed an innovative Content Management System called Fullstory.